The generous donations we receive from the community and businesses are our main source of income to support our operations.

Eureka is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization thus all donations are generally tax deductible (please consult an attorney or accountant for answers to your specific situation). 

Here are some approximate costs to give you an idea of what it takes:

$3,000 New set of turn out gear for a firefighter (boots, pants, coat, hood, helmet, gloves).
$12,000 New thermal imaging camera to help locate fire and people.
$4,500 New SCBA (breathing apparatus) for a firefighter.
$11,500 New Stryker Power Lift Litter for the ambulance.
$160,000 New ambulance.
$500,000 New fire engine.
$800,000 New aerial truck.

If you would like to donate money or any other type of valuable to our department please contact the fire station at (717) 993-6826 or send any correspondence to:

Eureka Volunteer Fire & Ambulance Company, Inc.
PO Bo 457
Stewartstown, PA 17363-0457

Eureka mails out two separate request for funds each year. In January of each year we send out a donation request to fund our "Fire Division" (this form is usually red in color).  Our "EMS Division" mails out an EMS Subscription Form (this form is usually blue in color) in late June of each year. Throughout the year we hold other fund raisers such as carnival, bingo, pit sandwich sales, fish fry, shrimp and crab feeds and other types of events to help raise funds.


Eureka Volunteer Fire Company
82 North Main Street
Stewartstown, PA 17363
Ph: (717) 993-6180
Emergency: 911


Preferred Contact Method:
 Email      Phone
Details of Request:
 We respect your privacy. We will not share your email address.

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